I decided that I like this color a lot. Anyway, yesterday I ate a handful of M&Ms and I had a really scary thought. I really like M&Ms a lot. I wondered how many M&Ms the average person must consume in their lifetime. Well, because it's such a huge thing in America, I'm guessing the number is big. Now, I really, really like M&Ms so if anyone ever finds a number for me it would be double. The frightening thought was: What if when I got to heaven, God asked me about all those M&Ms? Just like how in James it says that you're going to have to account for every stray word that you speak, what if you were asked about your M&m consumption? I know it's definitely not a good thing, but I've been torturing myself with this one. Here is how the conversation would go:
GOD: Now Lindsey, do you know how many M&Ms you ate while you lived on earth?
Me: Um, no not really, sorry.
GOD: Well, it was actually quite a lot. You ate (insert a very large number here) M&Ms.
Me: Oh my. That is a lot of M&Ms. Where exactly are we going with this?
GOD: Well Lindsey, do you know how many times you opened and read your Bible during that time?
Me: No. I really didn't keep track of that either.
GOD: I'll give you a hint. . . the M&M number was bigger.
Me: Rats.
Yeah, even though I seriously doubt that that's how it will go when I meet the big guy, it's still something to think about. I really should crave God's word more than I crave M&Ms or anything else. It's really important. Even though I feel a little bit dumb, worrying about how God feels about my eating lots and lots of M&Ms, it's a pretty good motivator. Now that I have this vision of being grilled about candy while in heaven, I can really make reading God's Word a major priority in my life again. This may be a strange way to be convicted, but God knows what he's doing apparently.
lol u make me laugh so much
on a serious note i agree with u 100% in stead of watching football or reading baseball stats i could be in my bible i guess i just crave things other than candy
it just seems sometimes the bible becomes a textbook and i know thats a very bad way to look at it.....thanks for putting things in perspective for me lol
That's just it. Everyone craves so many different things that they let come before God in their lives.
That is a really good thing to think about. Anyways while here on the comment page getting ready to type something made me smile. My dog (who looks like scooby doo) got into the chair next to me, looked at me and whined. Now this made me think we all want attention just like my dog. However, what do we really strive to get attention from is the question. Our friends, our parents, an authority figure, or maybe a higher power. Would it be safe to say that all of our want for attention could have a deeper source? I dont know just made me think. If you are going to respond do it on my page so you do not mess up your three comments thing that you got going on. Did you have fun last night?
well i thought since i mess all the other ones up I might as well mess these up too.
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