Friday, November 30, 2007

On more, More, MORE!

"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth,"

It may not be much, but the song still asks for something.

Everyone is in need of something, whether they realize it or not. In the book I'm reading with my small group, "Wired", by Louie Giglio, it is explained that all of humanity was created as beings who worship. Now, we were really created to be worshipping God, but that's not always the way it works out. Today there are so many false idols that we give our worship to that often times we only have a smidge left for God. In the book, Giglio (I really hope he's got a son, or grandson, I don't know how old he is, who I can marry, because that might be the coolest last name I've ever heard) says that worship is our response to what we value most. Watching the clock waiting for the new episode of Heroes to come on and never missing the show says that Heroes is valuable to you, you're worshipping it. What I think is a pretty huge thing, especially in say my youth group, is that people get caught up in worshipping other people rather than God. Even if someone may seem extremely good and full of God, they're not God and are not worthy of our worship. I've been observing this people worship in that it seems many people only come to the youth group events for the socialization they provide. Now, fellowship is very important, but they came a point for me when I had to reevaluate what my time revolved around. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about worship lately, and I think I can kind of add to Giglio's definition. We worship the things we want more of. The most sincere worshippers that I've seen and met are those who really seem to be longing for God. Which, that's been his plan for us all along hasn't it? To long for him, to realize that we are incapable without him, partial, inept (ooo I bet that one raised my blog level to genius). So basically, what I'm getting at is that as of late, even though I still struggle with giving my worship solely to God, I've have come to a greater understanding of what it is to long for God. To want more of Him. More, and More, and MORE! I don't know, it's basically just that I can't wait to get to actually see Him, you know? To actually stand in His presence and everything ,how it will be so amazing and terrifying at the same time. I can kind of get a better picture of where Paul was at in his life when he said "to die is gain," sorry that that sounds kind of morbid. How can I wrap this up? I don't know. I just thought I'd share what's been on my heart lately. Worship is so, so important, and I am trying my best to give it all to the One who deserves it.
Sorry that this blog is so stinking long. Now, I will copy off of a few people I've seen and put song lyrics in my blog. I just think Chris Rice expresses the feeling very well.

Here it is...

How far are You?
How close am I?
I know Your words are true when I don't feel them inside
Still I believe You'll never leave
So where are You now?
You're all I have
You're all I've known
Your breath is breathing in my soul
Still I am gasping, aching, asking,
Where are you now?'
Cause I just want to be with You
I dream about Your promise to return
I just want this waiting to be over
And I wake up hangin' on Your every word
I just want to be with You
For now my feet are planted here on earth
And it helps to know the Day is getting closer
And it helps to know the day is getting closer
But every minute takes and hour
Every inch feels like a mile
Till I won't have to imagine
And I finally get to see You smile!
My journey's here, but my heart is There
So I dream and wait, and keep the faith, while You prepare
Our destiny, till You come back for me
Oh, please make it soon!

1 comment:

lindsey said...

I feel bad for this post.
When I write about something serious, no one seems to have anything to say.
Where are all those family members that are supposedly taping into my life??
I sound so bitter, I don't know why.
I don't mean any of it...I love you guys.