Friday, August 29, 2008

On "Phlegmentations"

So I'm not going to say that it was the worst cold of my life... because that would just be inviting an even worse cold to come around, but it was a really bad cold. I am currently getting over a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad cold. As in, my nose in rubbed raw from the excess of Kleenex that it has come in contact with this week. Today, I was told that my voice sounds like a robot's, ( that was a kind description). I'm basically a mess and am soooo glad it's the weekend. Getting out of you're seat every two minutes during class to blow your nose isn't exactly fun. Actually it's pretty miserable and embarrassing! This little saga began on Tuesday, but today I am actually feeling a whole lot better...almost like a human being again. Sorry about the complaining I did in this post, I really don't like to complain and I really don't like it when other people complain, but I thought of the amazing title and really just had to get all the crappiness out there. How about a life lesson to end with so I didn't totally waste your time: appreciate your health before you don't have it anymore. Okay, so that was super cliche and I apologize, but I've got the rant out of my system. I'm all done phlegmenting now. Ah phlegm, now there's a fun word.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

On Freedom

From 11/19/06
"One of the many reason that I LOVE Christ is the freedom that is gained from serving Him. 'I am free to RUN, I am free to DANCE, I am free to LIVE FOR YOU, I am FREE!!'---I love that Newsboys song. I think the first time I heard it was at the fall retreat at Camp Brosend. Wow!! The Holy Spirit really flooded through me. I received this image, a representation of freedom. The image was of my LEAPING from the top of a mountain (I LIKE mountains) with my arms outstretched and an ENORMOUS smile on my face. There was no fear, no careful worrisome thoughts. Just an exhilarating leap into the air knowing full well that I was going to be fine because I had God. Wow, that experience made me soooo EXCITED. I felt that even if my mind and body weren't strong enough for the jump, my heart was. Daily I want, long to make that giant leap into a deeper, more TREMENDOUS passion for Christ."

Hey, cool. you know what?? I have grown deeper and closer since then...neato.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

On passion, revisited

I stumbled upon a lot of little writings that I did my freshman year...not as an assignment or anything, just writing. I'm really glad I saved them because I feel so energized by the passion in what I wrote. Looking at the paper, you can tell I was really excited and really meant what I wrote, because of the messy handwriting and all the underlining and capital letters I used. So, I've decided for the next few posts, I will be sharing those old thoughts that probably should be resurrected in my life.
"The Sun
A source of light (duh) and an ASTOUNDING, joyful energy. When I see it, I have to stare, usually until I see spots, wow. It just makes me SMILE. I can't describe the ultra INCREDIBLE rush I get from watching the sun come up, it's so pretty and EXCITING! Seeing it makes me want to be in a musical, leaping about; I'm just HAPPY!!! The sheer beauty and wonder of the sun is a true AWESOME demonstration of God's power and majesty. Next to people the SUN is my FAVORITE thing in creation. I want to praise the Lord by doing something crazy. When the sunrise is particularly BEAUTIFUL, I want to stand on a mountain top and DANCE. I like to pretend or I guess HOPE that the sun is a little glimpse of HEAVEN. Something special to be seen by those conscious enough to notice. if I'm right,, then hooray, but if not, then that means that heaven is even more gorgeous! WOW!! Something to look forward to..."

Apparently, on November 19, 2006 I was really freaking out about the huh?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

On "I'd missed you my friend"

Last night, I jumped in the big long puddle in the church parking lot. I hadn't done that in a very long time. It was refreshing...hadn't realized how much I'd missed it. I guess I love it because I feel God in those little moments that you're doing something weird to intentionally worship. Anyway, it was great. Then I got locked out of the church and almost missed Jill's is full of adventures right?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

On memories

I love looking at old pictures!!! Here are a few fun ones from "way back when" to enjoy.