I have decided that one day, when and more importantly if I get older, I am going to live in a bookstore for one whole year. I think that would be amazing. I love reading and the smell of books and coffee, so could there possibly be a more enjoyable place to live? The only place that I can think of is heaven, but seeing as I'm alive, a bookstore will have to suffice. All of this comes from my trip to Barnes and Noble that I took with my dad yesterday. I just felt so incredibly content. I couldn't help but smile as I rode the escalator, clutching my Starbucks hot chocolate, smelling the books. I love books, I really do. So, I'll be sure to let you all know when I make the change in address, although I don't suppose they'd appreciate it too much if you mailed me things there. Who is they? What kind of bookstore is going to allow me to live there for a year? No kind I guess. New idea: I will open my own bookstore and then live in it. It's brilliant! Problem solved. Hooray.
New Revelation: When you don't like coffee, it makes it a lot easier to decide what to get at Starbucks.
lol u crack me up i like book stores but i dont think i could live at 1 lol but good luck with that
Anyway, you couldn't live at Barnes and Noble because of the escalators.
that is very true but i think if i had to i could pull it off somehow .......prolly not actually
I know that if this happened to me I would be excited for all of the new comments. ha ha ha
Yeah, no kidding.
I thought, who commented on my blog, yeah.
But no, it's still you.
Hey, now at least they all have five, ha!
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