Yesterday I learned something really cool and interesting. I was on my way home from an orthodontist appointment, (I know, gripping beginning right?) and my mom rolled down the windows. The wind was blowing really hard (I like wind) (I like parentheses too ha ha) and I stuck my arm out the window, it felt good. Now, I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and the cool air went all the way down my sleeve and into my armpit, where it felt very strange. My reaction to this strange occurrence made both my mother and my sister crack up laughing at me. This is what I learned: apparently when it is windy and you stick your arm out the window, the air will rush into your sleeve and up your arm. Actually, once you get past the shock, it's kind of cool. So, I rode the rest of the way home with my arm out the window laughing all the way. Yep, this is me people, I'm sixteen years old and living it up.
Another window into my ultra-glamorous life:
Today, in my math class, we played Halloween Bingo. We used Smarties as our markers. The kid who sits across from me, Seth, made fun of me for arranging my Smarties according to color. I told him I was OCD and to deal with it. Henceforth I have decided that all of my faults shall be blamed upon my being OCD, even though no doctor has proclaimed me to be such. I have way too much fun writing these things.
Also, about thirty minutes ago, I found a leaf in my church's parking lot, (I like leaves) and I picked it up and brought it home with me. It just seemed so perfect, so whole and unblemished. I'm glad we have fall and I'm glad we have leaves. So, today I say, "thank you God for the fall and the leaves, and thank you for letting me learn about wind and armpits."
Did you like the picture? I made it myself. "I'm a big kid now." (in song--if you don't know what I'm talking about, it's probably because you have a life)
Yes, I would be honored to leave a comment. I tell you that # comment link is very intriguing. ha ha So I do not know if I ever told you but I have OCD too. For instance I now have two dressers in my room for my clothes. One is for anything below my waiste ??? and the other for anything above.
All of my shirts are color cordinated into 2 colors per drawer. Blue, green, red, orange, white, and gray are all of the color of my shirts. My polos are also color cordinated. O' yes my life is boring and if leaving long comments on my friends blog entertains me then so be it.
I like to end on a more personal note like by telling the reader goodbye or good day or good night.
So to you I say good night.
woah. "Waist"
Thanks for that. I really don't know that anyone else has ever given me such an in depth description of how their clothing is organized before. Should I feel privileged? By the way, how was my blog as far as interesting goes? Did it live up to your expectations?
Hey that was just a joke as far as the whole interesting aspect goes, maybe not a joke, but I was not serious. But it was good, very good.
are you going to abound?
I am going, why?
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