Monday, October 15, 2007

On prayer, P.S, smiley gum, and flowers

Today was supposed to be pink day, but pink really isn't a color choice now is it? Rats. Did you know that when the little clasp thing on your necklace moves around, so it isn't behind your neck anymore, that you're supposed to make a wish? Me either. Well, now I do because my grandma told me the other day. I though Wow my necklace gets messed up all the time... that's a lot of wishes I could have wished but didn't. Okay, so really making wishes at dumb times is stupid, but here is what I'm actually getting at:

I think we miss a lot of opportunities to wish, rather ask for things. I know in my life, there are a lot of things that I should probably pray about, but I don't. Why not? I don't know. It really is silly, because there is really nothing too small for God to pay attention to. So, I've decided that no matter insignificant something may seem, if a worry crosses my mind, I'm going to take it to God.

Like this morning. I got ready for school and checked the temperature- a beautiful 60 degrees again, another nice day. I walked outside like I always do to catch the bus at the end of my driveway. I noticed how pretty the sun was coming up. Yeah, I thought, God, thank you for the sunrise. Then I saw the bus. The bus that was not stopping at my driveway, but driving on past my house and down the road. Oh no. Well, lots of buses do pass my house in the morning, maybe that one wasn't mine, I couldn't see the numbers. usually I have time to enjoy the morning for a couple minutes before it arrives. So, I waited, to see if my bus would come for me, or if that had been my bus that drove away. And I decided to go ahead and pray about it. I did. I prayed that that really hadn't been my bus driving by, that my bus was on its way. Then feeling a little foolish I prayed that even if that had been my bus that maybe God could give me a do-over and let me get on it this time so my mom wouldn't have to get up to drive me. And you know what? My bus came and I got on it and went to school. Yeah, I feel like a dork that I got so excited about that but, hey it was an answered prayer.

Alrighty, so now I have a P.S. to yesterday's giant thank you note. Thanks to Marc for being gullible enough to let me get you with a marshmallow, again. Okay sorry STORY!!! Here is how it went:
Me: My marshmallow smells funny.
Dad: It's just the smoke and fire. Eat it.
Me: No it's weird. (wink wink at dad) Smell it.
Dad: (smells it) Hmmm. I don't know.
Me: Here Marc, you smell it.
Marc: Okay
Then as he smells it, I shove the marshmallow forcefully at his face, getting it all over him. he he I win big time.
And thanks to Sarah for my soon to be finished ukulele! (STARGIRL PLAYED THE UKULELE!) I am way too excited for my own good? Wait. is that possible? Oh well, I'm super excited.

Hooray for "have a good day" gum! For my birthday, Emmy gave me a jar full of yellow gumballs whose wrappers have smiley faces on them. She said that they were for me to give to people when I told them to have a good day (I tell people to have a good day a lot). i brought a bag of them with me to school today and I had SO MUCH FUN!!! I wish I had enough "have a good day" gum so that I could give one to everybody at my school everyday. It would be fun to just walk through the halls and smile and hand gum to every person I saw. If I were the ruler of the school, I would make all the teachers keep jars of "have a good day" gum on their desks and whenever they had a student who was looking kind of sad, they would give them a piece. In fact, when I become a teacher, I'm going to do that. I'm going to keep stores and stores of "have a good day" gum for anyone who wasn't having a good day. That way even if they felt overwhelmed and bogged down by school like I do sometimes, they could a least have something to smile about.

Hooray for flowers! Yesterday at church spontaneously, Megan and I walked around the parking lot for a long time and picked flowers, well weeds really but I bet it hurts their feelings when people call them that so I call them flowers and we talked. It was quite enjoyable. I love flowers, especially white dandelions. My grandpa planted flowers, mums, around my tree. My dad and grandpa spent the whole day Saturday planting my weeping cherry tree. They planted three mums and built bricks in a circle around it. Now I smile every time I look at it. When Emmy was here yesterday, I commented that the whole thing kind of looks like a memorial, you know, like I died or something. My mom laughed and brought out this funny cross thing she had and put it in front of the tree. Really, it looks super. Today, I told her that I wanted to leave the cross there, that I liked it. So now it's official, even if I don't become famous, they've built a Lindsey Memorial.


Anonymous said...

Okay so I'll admit that you got me with your clever trick but I am thinking of something genius to use on you. It will be amazing!

Anonymous said...

great stuff Lindsey - i put a link to you on my blog -
i'm glad you had a great birthday - I'm so sorry I missed it.

lindsey said...

Marc, I know that you are way too nice to do something mean to me. And even if you weren't, I happen to be way too clever to let you.