"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know"
Sunday, December 28, 2008
On "God bless us every one!"
Cause his family got a Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Oh yeah
Friday, December 19, 2008
On where's my dreamboat?
Her smile is big. Her teeth shine as brilliant white in the celestial glow. Her radiance comes from the joy she feels, a joy so complete and overwhelming, it cannot compare to anything she has ever felt before. Though she wears no makeup, her cheeks glows as though kissed by the loveliest pink rose.The Princess.While she awaits her knight, knowing he is soon to come riding on his white horse, she wears her white gown and skips merrily. The dress is the purest most beautiful white, in representation of the new cleanliness of her heart. White petals fall lightly to the ground from the wreath on her head as she dances about. She is unable to contain her happiness, her bare feet trip over each other during her childlike celebration.She wears her hair loose in long ringlets down her back like she did when she was a little girl. In her hands, she carries a bouquet of white dandelions, her favorite, but they are not separated by the wind, but remain connected as if in a dream. But this is no dream, she knows it cannot be. This is more rare and perfect and beautiful than any dream she's ever had.She twirls in circles, lifting her hands above her head, delighting, rejoicing in the glorious light. While turning, she gets her first glimpse of him. He is quietly ascending the hill, strong and sure-footed. One look into his all-seeing eyes and she knows it's him The Prince (Jesus)He is the one she's been waiting for. The passion of her heart. She sees him and knows the time has come; tears of unsurpassed joy well in her eyes. She has waited so long to see his face. She runs to him, a wild undignified canter.He sees her and laughs; he can't help but beam at her sheer enthusiasm and excitement. He is so glad she is his princess; he so delights in her. With his eyes, he takes in her human form and all her physical imperfections, but all his heart sees is beauty.He takes her hand gently, and together they walk through the garden. Neither needs to speak, he knows exactly what she is thinking, and she knows he loves her. This is all she ever need know. They gaze contentedly at the blooming flowers and magnificent trees, and listen to the whistling birds. Both he and she have yet to stop smiling. He kisses her on the cheek; it is a perfect, holy kiss. This is a kiss not of worldly love, but of pure, spiritual love.He leads her out of the garden gate and down the lane. It is time for the ceremony. All the angels are there, they have been awaiting the prince and princess. They have become the bridegroom and bride.The Wedding It is the most exciting, glorious celebration ever. There has never been a more perfect, happy wedding. The best part is that the Father is there. It has been his greatest desire to complete the joy of his daughter. He is beyond thrilled to see his princess smile and laugh as she dances with her life's love. She is finally with them, the Son and the Father. She has waited for so long! Together, the prince and princess blow on the bundle of dandelions, scattering the white seeds, getting some in their hair.The Ascension The Father embraces his princess in an affectionate, paternal hug. Then he sends the daughter off with her prince. The two go again into the garden, where he sends her flying high on the wooded swing. In the air, she laughs and sings joyously, thinking she may soon reach the clouds if she goes any higher. And then, she does. Together the prince and princess ascend into the sky.Once there, she takes her place amongst all the singing, dancing, worshipping princesses. Now she knows she can live forever with the prince and the father. This is her beautiful eternity.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
On oh nostalgia...
"Lindsey is a sweet, curly headed little girl who loves to spend time with her Mom, Erin. Especially when it means an outing to McDonald's for her favorite foods, chicken nuggets, french fries and a chocolate shake.
Reading is on of Lindsey's favorite activities. She loves to sit down by herself with a stack of books and won't get up until she has finished reading all of them! She has memorized many of the books and enjoys "reading" them to her Mom.
Another favorite activity of Lindsey's is pretending. She enjoys acting and reciting lines from movies such as Beauty and the Beast and The Wizard of Oz. She especially likes playing the nice/good roles of the movies."
Remember now, I was TWO!! Oh yea, two and already quoting movies...foreshadowing anyone?? Well, just a fun thing I thought I'd share :) And by the way, if you remember the Princess mitten blogged about many moons ago, they've made a come back. I bought some for ballerina friend Katy for her birthday...definitely.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
(titled for Eric) On chivalric burquas?
PS I was thinking about this just after I finished writing my article on prom for the newspaper. Burqua Prom, a weird, yet kind of cool visual no? Possibly a short story someday :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
On "be meaner, I'll like you better"
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
On alert the media
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
On two questions for you...
Here's the second: What should my nickname be?? See, I've been thinking a lot about this and I spend a great deal of time giving nicknames to lots of people, which is fun. But I've never really had a good solid nickname. This is a part of growing up I feel that I'm missing out on. I know that a person cannot nickname themselves so I'm leaving up to you (praying it turns out alright). What should "the friends" all call me?? Nickname away!!
Wow. Okay yes I realize I'm a dork...live with it. At least it's amusing right?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
"' Oh children,' said the Lion, 'I feel my strength coming back to me. Oh children catch me if you can!' He stood for a second, his eyes very bright, his limbs quivering, lashing himself with his tail Then he made a leap very high over their heads and landed on the other side of the Table. Laughing, though she didn't know why, Lucy scrambled over it to reach him. Aslan leaped again. A mad chase began. Round and round the hilltop he led them, now hopelessly out of their reach, now letting them almost catch his tail, now diving between them, now tossing them in the air with his huge and beautifully velveted paws and catching them again, and now stopping unexpectedly so that all three of them rolled over together in a happy laughing heap of fur and arms and legs. It was such a romp as no one has ever had except in Narnia and whether it was more like playing with a thunderstorm or playing with a kitten Lucy could never make up her mind. And the funny thing was that when all three finally lay together panting in the sun the girls no longer felt in the least tired or hungry or thirsty. 'And now,' said Aslan presently, 'to business. I feel I am going to roar. you had better put your fingers in your ears.' And they did. And Aslan stood up and when he opened his mouth to roar his face became so terrible that they did not dare to look at it. And they saw all the trees in front of him bend before the blast of his roaring as grass bends in a meadow before the wind."
Saturday, November 1, 2008
On a glimmer of hope
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
On romance
Saturday, October 18, 2008
On "wouldn't you like to be a creeper too?"
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
On oxymoron not so much
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
I guess to me, this is kind of a goal. Then, there's this other verse that I really like, but I always thought it was kind of contradictory. It's 2 Timothy 1:7.
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.
So how do you have a spirit of power and of gentleness??? Gentle power, an oxymoron n'est-ce pas? Not so much. Duh!! The Holy Spirit, hello!! Doesn't God exhibit a gentle power sometimes?? I got a chance to witness this at the retreat. Eric discussed unity within our group and told people to pray with someone who you needed to maybe mend a relationship with. People paired off. Good stuff happened. It was gentle. It was powerful. There you go, my mind's at peace with this one now. Prayer is the perfect example of gentle power. Prayer is so powerful, yet there's no brute force or anything like that. How amazing!! And I'm much more okay with being gentle now. Gentle can be powerful...not that I'm power hungry or anything. Gentle doesn't have to mean babied, just nice, approachable, comforting. There you go.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
On extended metaphor
Rest is orange.
Calm is yellow.
Quiet is brown.
Comfort is red.
Peace is a fall leaf.
She does not fight the wind,
But lets herself be carried
No exertion is wasted.
She simply lets life swirl her as she floats.
Troubling storms come.
They ravage, leaving scars.
But she remains still through it all.
Her appearance is of little concern.
Even with holes she displays her beauty,
A gift to the world.
Lying on the ground, she asks
But does not--never begs
To be noticed.
No activities busy her.
She is content to just be.
Whether trampled or saved and treasured,
She is a leaf.
That is all she needs.
Rest is orange.
Calm is yellow.
Quiet is brown.
Comfort is red.
You pray for peace,
I gift you a fall leaf.
Monday, September 8, 2008
On Starfish...it's close
I have compiled a list of things that I strongly recommend if you haven't laughed or felt happy in a while:
1. Tear down a barn and burn it...very therapeutic
2. Eat pizza for several consecutive meals
3. Play board games with friends...this is especially enjoyable if you've just torn down a barn and are considerably tired
4. Harbor a weird possibly poisonous pet and name him
5. Have a funeral/burial for previously mentioned pet
6. Spend so much time with a select group of individuals that you practically have your own language because of all the inside jokes
7. Play four square without getting mad and arguing (I would recommend falling on your butt a couple times, just to keep things light and funny)
8. Reflect upon all these happy things you've just done then smile and nod
Oh yeah...this post is some kinda awesome.
Friday, August 29, 2008
On "Phlegmentations"
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
On Freedom
"One of the many reason that I LOVE Christ is the freedom that is gained from serving Him. 'I am free to RUN, I am free to DANCE, I am free to LIVE FOR YOU, I am FREE!!'---I love that Newsboys song. I think the first time I heard it was at the fall retreat at Camp Brosend. Wow!! The Holy Spirit really flooded through me. I received this image, a representation of freedom. The image was of my LEAPING from the top of a mountain (I LIKE mountains) with my arms outstretched and an ENORMOUS smile on my face. There was no fear, no careful worrisome thoughts. Just an exhilarating leap into the air knowing full well that I was going to be fine because I had God. Wow, that experience made me soooo EXCITED. I felt that even if my mind and body weren't strong enough for the jump, my heart was. Daily I want, long to make that giant leap into a deeper, more TREMENDOUS passion for Christ."
Hey, cool. you know what?? I have grown deeper and closer since then...neato.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
On passion, revisited
"The Sun
A source of light (duh) and an ASTOUNDING, joyful energy. When I see it, I have to stare, usually until I see spots, wow. It just makes me SMILE. I can't describe the ultra INCREDIBLE rush I get from watching the sun come up, it's so pretty and EXCITING! Seeing it makes me want to be in a musical, leaping about; I'm just HAPPY!!! The sheer beauty and wonder of the sun is a true AWESOME demonstration of God's power and majesty. Next to people the SUN is my FAVORITE thing in creation. I want to praise the Lord by doing something crazy. When the sunrise is particularly BEAUTIFUL, I want to stand on a mountain top and DANCE. I like to pretend or I guess HOPE that the sun is a little glimpse of HEAVEN. Something special to be seen by those conscious enough to notice. if I'm right,, then hooray, but if not, then that means that heaven is even more gorgeous! WOW!! Something to look forward to..."
Apparently, on November 19, 2006 I was really freaking out about the sun...fun huh?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
On "I'd missed you my friend"
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
On Don't you love those ideas you get in the shower?
Friday, July 11, 2008
On Where have all the cookies gone?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
On tree, lake, brook
I really don't think that there's much I can add to that. Look up and seek Him. Seek His face. That was my devotional this morning and it certainly smacked me in my face. Come Away My Beloved is one of the most amazing books I've ever read. I read a little every morning and it can be pretty overwhelming. Like this morning, "speak to me...be still...move" just the encouragement and at the same time rebuking motivation I've been in need of this summer. I could be accused of having not only a lazy body this season, but also a lazy heart. I think at times we all need to reawaken and relearn how to use our hearts. The passage above was one that helped me refocus so I just thought I'd share.
I'm so glad I've started writing again!!! It's funny how sometimes there's been a wall up and you never even knew it was there until something knocks it down.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
On joy to the fishies
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
On Darin you better read this because I titled it just for you: This Beautiful Mess
I miss winter. Don't get me wrong I do love Spring, my tree is BEAutiful and the weather is oh so nice, but by the circle of life, Spring is also a time of change. Change, there has been quite a lot of that going on and with my OCD tendencies, I'm not especially good with change. This week has been pretty emotionally draining for me, I've pretty much been perpetually in tears. But I've now decided that I've been making things a lot more complicated than they need to be. it's really quite simple see I have zero control over any of it, so therefore I have to learn vulnerability... to trust, to lean, to allow God to continuing teaching me even through the hard times. Some of the change makes me sad, even though it is the right thing, so basically I don't know how I'm supposed to be feeling right now. However, despite the fact that I'm a COMPLETE MESS, I've decided to just praise God through it. I think He really loves that. So, in the next few days I'll probably be found either 1) crying my eyes out for no apparent reason or 2) running and dancing and singing and praising in the backyard under the sun with the dandelions. Yes you don't have to tell me, I know it doesn't make sense. God is using these hard times when I've slowed down, stopped, and looked around to really really romance my heart and hold my hand through all of it. He wants me to let Him be there for me. I think that 's really great. I could go on and on about the ways God has made the difficult moments so beautiful, (one example being an entire backyard full of white dandelions). So, I'm going to focus on joy, because without joy what do you have?? And as Lydia reminded me this morning: "Star people do not shed tears, but light."
Here I sigh with relief that God loves us beautiful messes (I actually know quite a few right now).
Monday, April 14, 2008
On lately
Hmmm... the Wednesday before Spring Break I gave my testimony for our church worship night with the youth. Being able to do that was an incredible blessing. The night focused in on how we are, always have been, and always will be God's beloved (the joy I get from knowing that, OH MY GOODNESS!!). Anyway, the whole thing was really cool, I think the best part was when I shared my Princess story that I posted a long time ago, people got it and that made me really excited.
Spring is here, (mostly) and I am overjoyed!!! The Lindsey Memorial Garden is in bloom, with little pink flowers on my weeping cherry tree and buds on the tulip plants. It is soooooo beautiful and it's making me so excited!!! I love love love spring, everything is green and new and there's a lot of other cliche statements that I could make about it, but just so you know, I love it.
A really major change is going to be happening in my life soon, that is Hannah and Jonathan (my pretend parents) are leaving in two weeks for their year long mission experience. I am going to miss the two of them SO MUCH. So, yes I've been pretty much an idiot to get so close to them, ha ha, but now I just adore them and will be so so so so so sad when they leave. Life will go on however ,I am building up a reservoir of good memories to have once they're gone.
I'm also very excited about the Florida trip this summer. No not really excited, more ecstatic!! I can't wait. It's going to be so nice to just get away from everything to focus on what God wants for my youth group, and to focus on loving others and growing with them. I am also curious to see how God will work in my life while we're there and in the lives of everyone else. I'm still growing growing growing everyday and it is awesome!! This week I am studying in Philippians and am curious to see where I'm led with that. No one's really missed much, my days are still filled with joy and peace and best of all love because "all you need is love" (The Beatles).
So, I wish you all amazing days, weeks, and months. And remember, "you're never fully dressed without a smile." Hmmm, I guess that means some of you are naked... AWKWARD!!!
Friday, March 7, 2008
On "Oh my goodness I haven't posted since forever!!!"
One part of the weekend that was pretty awesome was the agape letters. If there had been any doubt that my love language was 'words of affirmation,' there's not anymore. Reading all those encouraging words was so neat! That hour that I sat on a hill reading all those notes, (bawling like a baby of course, because that's just what I do), was one of the times that I've felt God's love through other people the strongest.
Another way God has been really moving in my life lately, has been during our quiet time. Since Sunday when I told Darin that I wanted to give my testimony at church sometime, God has been filling my mind with the exact right words. I mean, it's my story so it's not like I need to memorize anything, but I feel that God wants me to focus (in my talk) less on my past like I had planned on doing, and more on our story and the love and joy that I have found in Him. At first, I said to Darin that I wasn't sure how soon I wanted to do this, but since I've prayed more about it, I can't wait!! I'm completely excited!
Okay, I'm pretty much done know, but PRAISE GOD for the snow!!!!!! I just love it. And I thought you all would like to know that last night (Thursday) I prayed hard that we wouldn't have school today, and we didn't, so your welcome to some of you. Well, have an absolutely positively fantastic day!!
Friday, February 1, 2008
On being busy, busy, busy
I haven't written in a long while, so I thought I'd update a little. Let's see... Isn't it weird how nothing and everything can be happening at the same time? While you're in the moment, it seems like everything is happening, that there's so much going on, but then when you look back and think about what went on during those times, you think, huh nothing much has happened. Oh well, everything is good over here. I really want a snow day where there is actual snow!! That would be soooooo grand. School was absolutely crazy this week, I felt so busy. I missed two days last week because of my lethal cold, so this week I had a ton of stuff to make up. I was a little worried that I wasn't going to get it all done and was really really grumpy, but in the end I came out on top. God's good that way. For example, today I got the dreaded Chemistry test back. You see, being absent I had missed most of the notes for the section we were working on in Chemistry, so I had to teach myself most of the material. Then, when I had to make up the test on Wednesday, it was completely awful. I thought that I had done very badly. But today I got my grade back and B+!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I know that's a pretty dumb thing to be excited about, seeing as how in ten years its not going to matter what grade I got in Chemistry. However, I try to do well in school, so grades have their importance in my life. I'm just glad this week is over and that I'm all caught up. I've also been making progress with a special project (not for school) on my own. It's all very secret, so I can't disclose too much, but it's hard to keep my trap shut about it because I'm so thrilled.
Oh, by the way I've decided I'm going to start a New Year's resolution. I know that it's February and people don't really have New Year's resolutions in February, but I think this is important. It has come to my attention that I yammer on way too much. Just read my blog and you'll see what I'm talking about... ha ha wait... you are reading my blog ha ha. Anyway, I fing myself in many situations when I have to put my foot in my mouth. Now I thought, I either need to become more flexible or I need to quit letting my mouth get ahead of me. So, since I hate exercise, I'm going for the talking less and being careful option. I think that if I really work at it good will come of it. Ha ha "good will come of it," nobody talks like that anymore! I love saying stuff like that. Okay, so I guess I'm about done here. Have a fabulous week, day, evening, or whatever. Later.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
On...ahhhh, I got nothing.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
On a new year
I went up to Michigan again, but this time we stayed mostly with my mom's family. No uglydolls this time. By the way, I took that picture down after my friend Jaymen commented that he couldn't tell which one was me and which one was the ugly doll, ha ha. So instead I inserted a picture from the New Orleans trip. No tourists threw money at my feet, apparently I'm not a very good dancer. Anyway, my Christmas was grand. I was sick for a couple days which was kind of nightmarish, but I'm mostly better now. I won't be missing school (rats!) or anything. I got to spend a lot of time with my family just chilling in Holland, Michigan where there was, can you even believe it, SNOW!!!!!! I love snow. I got to go sledding!!! I wish it would snow here. I'd been praying and praying for snow before Christmas Break! Oh well, I guess I got my fix up there. Also, one of the days when we visited my dad's family, we went snow skiing. I'll wait a moment as you fall over with laughter trying to picture me skiing.
Are you finished? Good. All of the disasters you pictured probably happened, except no broken bones. Me skiing was basically like this: you know what babies are like when they first come out of the womb? There's a lot of flailing and they're covered with gunk. That was basically me except I had pointy objects coming out of my feet and the 'gunk' was actually just snow. Oh my it was quite an experience. I ended up having fun, but I 'm not sure I would exactly jump at the chance to do it again.
Okay, so it's 4:30 here and the sun is going down outside my window. Isn't that weird? During the winter, everything is crazy. I do love the cold weather, but I wish it wasn't so cold and windy right now, you can' even go walk around outside.
Alright, well I'm basically done for now. in case you're interested, I was pleased with the grades I got on my finals. I even survived the dreaded French exam. Thanks to everyone who helped out with my Journalism final story. I don;t now how well I did on that yet. Hopefully not too bad, my teacher seemed to like my writing. Anyway, have a great week or weekend rather since that's what's coming up soon. Be blessed. I can't wait to be with all my Newburgh friends, I've missed you all!