On Where have all the cookies gone?
Do you remember those commercials?? "Where have all the cookies gone? Into Hershey's Cookies and Cream!" Well those candy bars are very good and here's just one of those moments where my brain works really funny. With all these people going away...either moving because they don't really have a choice or moving because they feel they're being called somewhere else...I've been kind of feeling like: hey, where have all the awesome people gone? Okay so in the commercial, it's all these empty cookie jars with people looking into them with looks of shock on their faces. Then, it reveals that all the cookies went to go make these amazing candy bars. They "took away" something good from people to make something else that's really really cool. So, what if God's plan for me, for my friends, for the world, is like a Cookies and Cream candy bar? He has a bigger, better plan that I can't understand
and He's sending all these people to different places to achieve His will. In essence, "taking" them away from me to create the bigger picture, the candy bar. I really don't know, but I think it's something like that. Maybe while I'm like, "Hey, I really miss those cookies," God is saying, "Wow! Look at this radical candy bar I'm making!"
Are you calling me a cookie????
Most definitely.
i love cookies!
haha thats awesome. I think that it's kind of like you can't really expect much from what you want most. In my case its like You want your friends to stay... really badly. But thats not Gods purpose. I have been reading in Samuel lately and I think God is really telling me something. Samuel was crazily in love with God and in deep fear of him as acounted for what happened to the priest that raised him. Here is where I am going with this, Israel was going against God they no longer wanted to rely on him so they wanted a king so God told Samuel about a man who would come looking for a prophet within the next day. And sure enough Saul came and asked Samuel where there he could find a seer. At the exact location God said it would happen. But "In The Bigger Picture Here After Saul Was Anointed King" Saul did not follow what God wanted him to instead he was sucked up in what his selfish heart wanted. So Saul continued to chase David because he thought David was going to be King instead of him. All this jealousy started after David killed Goliath (Which is one of my favorite stories) More over I think like a prophet or someone came to Saul and said that he was going to die. And him and his son Jonathen died soon after.
Ok my whole point in writing this is because God put Saul in power and took it away just as fast. But then He put someone in charge who he wanted all along. Ok so I must admit I am not yet at the whole part of David becoming King. I am at the part where he is king of Judah. But I promise you by the end of the night I will know.
Man I still can't get to my point.
God didn't show what he wanted most until after he put someone in charge that he didn't really want as King but yet he did... but that is just how he works dang I am still off topic
Sometimes he puts people in our lives that will serve a purpose.. his purpose. We might not know what it is until sometime later. But the whole purpose of people serving a purpose in our lives is so that they serve the purpose that they were ment to serve at that given time. I must be honest God has really been working in me lately. And I am at peace with all of the moves that are taking place because I know that they are going to go on and do the exact same thing they did to us; in someone else. Yes I will miss them while still asuming we stay in contact with each other. All the same I will miss them. But in a way that might be different than most. Instead of grieving the past I long for the day that I will see them again.. in this life or the next.
This I know. I know that Darin will continue on with his ministry all over the world. I know that Sharla will always have heart felt discussions with those who need it the most.
I know that Bethany will continue to succeed in playing the guitar and and sharing her love with Him with everyone.
I know that Drew (MY Drewy.) all of you Atlanta Girls who are just in love with those amazing side burns then go for it because he is single. haha because I called dibs on Katie. Drew I hope you remember what I am talking about. I really do. But if you don't then know that you are still mine. haha) Like I was saying hes mine. lol I"m j/k
Anyways I know that he will still play his guitar and lead worship and love God for the rest of his life. I miss you man. Call me.
And I know that Reed will continue to practice juggeling and and add to his collective knowledge of random facts. And someday join the circus. No Reed I know that that is Emmys job. haha
And Brady Boy. I have no dought SP That you are going to mature into an amazing character who is madly in love with God. And hopefully you will still allow a Dog to lick you on the lips. Which quite frankly is sickening. haha!!
And now my tribute to the wakes.
Sam I know that you are going to go to your new school and every morning go sit by a tree and worship God. And I am sure you will be asked what you are doing and I pray that you will say. "I just want to worship" I pray that that is your responce to everything for the rest of your life. Just worship and God will deliver your needs.
Stay in the word as it will deliver the wisdom required to stand up to all of the injustices, temptations, struggles, boundrarys and anything that any path could possible let you waver from Him. And take time to plunder in the mystique of the little things.. The rain.. the lightening (remember that one night at camp after you guys led worship. Oh ya baby o ya.) clouds, grass (and remember all of it that you cut at camp) and how amazing it is that no matter how many times it gets cut down it always grows back. Kind of like the cut downs of life but yet we have the chance to grow back too given that we drink the water god gives us... his word. And soak in the sunlight.. which is just like what I am encourageing you to do everyday. And remember there is always the dew to look forward to in the morning.. the little things. Sam the little things will save you from wretchedness but it is Him who you will lean on to keep you from wavering from the straight and narrow.
Nate I just pray that you ask her out if you haven't already. I know you love that girl. However expect the unexpected and the unwanted.
Was it einstein who said That for every action is an equal or opposite reaction. I'm not sure cause I am Homeschooled. lol no man but I wish the best for you. And be careful where you throw that frisbee.... they hurt.
Ben and Matt just keep enjoying your life and don't ever ever go back to day camp. Of course if you were in town then you better come see your favorite cit.
Jonathen and Hannah you guys are amazing I love you and I acutally got to see your faces this week. You both look beautiful I love you guys and I know that you are doing what you have been called to do.
Megan I just pray that you also keep on doing what is just. while pointing out the injustices of whatever is going on whereever you might be.
I'm sorry guys but this has just been alot of recalling of memories and I guess somewhat a goodbye. I'm not saying goodbye forever because I will see you again. But this is just a part of me maturing with my faith. I realize that some of this might sound like a deathbed note. which it is not. Its just me saying all of things I wish I would have said along time ago. And alot of what needs to be said now. Wakes I am sorry that I couldn't say all of this in the tape for I was weak but now I am strong. I love all of you and I cant believe I got this far off topic while trying to respond to lindseys bloy. Lindsey I believe that God laid it upon you to write that blog because it has spoken to me. Way to Go. Lindsey you are amazing and I look forward to seeing what God is going to do with you in the future. We'll see.
I think i am going to post the part of the hansens on sharlas blog.
and print the one of the wakes and give it to them sunday.
thanks for lending me you blog comment board space.
it is muchly appreciated.
holy dang... all that and I was just trying to say something clever about cookies...cumplusion writing, I love it!!
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