Hello and welcome to the new year, 2008. Here's the host for today's show... Lindsey. I could probably write a million different cliche things about the beginning of a new year. It's a fresh start, you can turn over a new leaf, look ahead to what this year has in store. All of these things are true, but I get tired of hearing them, so I'll just fill everyone in on how my trip was.
I went up to Michigan again, but this time we stayed mostly with my mom's family. No uglydolls this time. By the way, I took that picture down after my friend Jaymen commented that he couldn't tell which one was me and which one was the ugly doll, ha ha. So instead I inserted a picture from the New Orleans trip. No tourists threw money at my feet, apparently I'm not a very good dancer. Anyway, my Christmas was grand. I was sick for a couple days which was kind of nightmarish, but I'm mostly better now. I won't be missing school (rats!) or anything. I got to spend a lot of time with my family just chilling in Holland, Michigan where there was, can you even believe it, SNOW!!!!!! I love snow. I got to go sledding!!! I wish it would snow here. I'd been praying and praying for snow before Christmas Break! Oh well, I guess I got my fix up there. Also, one of the days when we visited my dad's family, we went snow skiing. I'll wait a moment as you fall over with laughter trying to picture me skiing.
Are you finished? Good. All of the disasters you pictured probably happened, except no broken bones. Me skiing was basically like this: you know what babies are like when they first come out of the womb? There's a lot of flailing and they're covered with gunk. That was basically me except I had pointy objects coming out of my feet and the 'gunk' was actually just snow. Oh my it was quite an experience. I ended up having fun, but I 'm not sure I would exactly jump at the chance to do it again.
Okay, so it's 4:30 here and the sun is going down outside my window. Isn't that weird? During the winter, everything is crazy. I do love the cold weather, but I wish it wasn't so cold and windy right now, you can' even go walk around outside.
Alright, well I'm basically done for now. in case you're interested, I was pleased with the grades I got on my finals. I even survived the dreaded French exam. Thanks to everyone who helped out with my Journalism final story. I don;t now how well I did on that yet. Hopefully not too bad, my teacher seemed to like my writing. Anyway, have a great week or weekend rather since that's what's coming up soon. Be blessed. I can't wait to be with all my Newburgh friends, I've missed you all!
I am glad you had a good christmas. O yes and we missed you too.
I had been wondering whether or not anyone was ever going to comment again.
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