I want to poll every "Christian" in the I don't know where--a lot of people. I want to ask them what they think faith is, who they think Jesus is, what they think having a relationship with Christ means, and what they feel that they are doing that makes them a Christian. Now, that probably sounded really cynical, but it's not meant that way. Truly, I just want to find out what the general consensus is. I want to know how many people think like I think and how many don't. This crazy wondering has come from months of being continually frustrated with "not being on the same page" as many Christians I'm encountering. Where is the disconnect between me and so many of those who have been brought up exactly the same way as me? It's utterly confounding sometimes. I make assumptions about what people believe and what people are really doing with what they believe--then all of a sudden, guess what! my assumptions are proven totally wrong and zing! I take it personally and feel lied to. The madness must end. I cannot blame others for not being the people I believe they are if I don't take the time to dig deep and get to know who they are and exactly exactly what they believe. I need to take my poll and find my answers before I wake up one morning and have relate-ability issues with the whole entire world.
So my first big question that I believe all Christians need to be upfront with each other about: Is your faith your identity or your activity? I think that there may lie part of the big disconnect.
This is a little bit of the Sassy Lindsey right here.
Faith is hope. Not as in "I hope...", but a hope that anticipates and has confidence in our eternity with God.
As a Christian, I see my lostness all the more clearly and in all my imperfections look to the work of the cross allowing me to enjoy the "peace that surpasses all understanding".
My faith is my identity. I am a Christian 24/7, alone or in a crowd. I try to 'pray without ceasing'. I can't imagine going through a day without talking to God about 'everything'. In other words, I don't try to 'act' like a Christian, I 'am' a Christian. Thank you for the post, and God bless you.
Thanks for the comments guys! Appreciate the interest, the thoughts, and the sharing.
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