Wednesday, November 19, 2008

On two questions for you...

I'm writing this piece for the Evansville Courier and Press. It's kind of a feature piece and is due December 1, to appear in the paper sometime later. They wanted a teenager to write about prom. I can pretty much write whatever I want. This is my idea and I wanted to see how you all felt about it and whether you think it will make a good story: I'm going to talk about how parents always worry about the shenanigans their kids will get into at prom. Then I'm going to talk about how this could be different if, in a perfect world, we got back to the "prom ideal." You see, this ideal actually comes from a good place and is in fact as pure as a Disney movie. I'll talk about how prom rally should be an affirming, rather than stressful and worrisome thing for both boys and girls. The boy asks, he is required to step up and be a man, he pays, etc. When a beautiful girl allows him to lead her across the dance floor, she is trusting him, making him feel like a man. Unfortunately, boys have taken to other activities on prom night that make them "feel like men" if you know what I mean. For girls, they get to feel beautiful and special and valued, because they are chosen and asked to the dance by a boy and then get to put on a fancy dress, twirl around, and be delighted in. Thinking about prom this way, makes me more excited and less nervous about attending. If all teens could think of it this way, there would be many parents with a few less gray hairs I believe. That's basically the gist of my topic. Input? What do you think? That was the first question.
Here's the second: What should my nickname be?? See, I've been thinking a lot about this and I spend a great deal of time giving nicknames to lots of people, which is fun. But I've never really had a good solid nickname. This is a part of growing up I feel that I'm missing out on. I know that a person cannot nickname themselves so I'm leaving up to you (praying it turns out alright). What should "the friends" all call me?? Nickname away!!
Wow. Okay yes I realize I'm a with it. At least it's amusing right?


lydia said...

first: I love your idea for the paper
second: sun child

Marc said...

Not sun child. Sun child is not a nick name it's more of a alias or I don't know.. it would fit for like an internet name or something but not a nick name. I don' know I am going to have to put some thought into this one...

Marc said...

Whoops there were some typos there... o well

lindsey said...

Thanks Lydia.
Wow Marc, post entirely useless comments much?? :)