Friday, August 29, 2008

On "Phlegmentations"

So I'm not going to say that it was the worst cold of my life... because that would just be inviting an even worse cold to come around, but it was a really bad cold. I am currently getting over a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad cold. As in, my nose in rubbed raw from the excess of Kleenex that it has come in contact with this week. Today, I was told that my voice sounds like a robot's, ( that was a kind description). I'm basically a mess and am soooo glad it's the weekend. Getting out of you're seat every two minutes during class to blow your nose isn't exactly fun. Actually it's pretty miserable and embarrassing! This little saga began on Tuesday, but today I am actually feeling a whole lot better...almost like a human being again. Sorry about the complaining I did in this post, I really don't like to complain and I really don't like it when other people complain, but I thought of the amazing title and really just had to get all the crappiness out there. How about a life lesson to end with so I didn't totally waste your time: appreciate your health before you don't have it anymore. Okay, so that was super cliche and I apologize, but I've got the rant out of my system. I'm all done phlegmenting now. Ah phlegm, now there's a fun word.

1 comment:

Marc said...

tell me about it haha