Tuesday, August 26, 2008

On Freedom

From 11/19/06
"One of the many reason that I LOVE Christ is the freedom that is gained from serving Him. 'I am free to RUN, I am free to DANCE, I am free to LIVE FOR YOU, I am FREE!!'---I love that Newsboys song. I think the first time I heard it was at the fall retreat at Camp Brosend. Wow!! The Holy Spirit really flooded through me. I received this image, a representation of freedom. The image was of my LEAPING from the top of a mountain (I LIKE mountains) with my arms outstretched and an ENORMOUS smile on my face. There was no fear, no careful worrisome thoughts. Just an exhilarating leap into the air knowing full well that I was going to be fine because I had God. Wow, that experience made me soooo EXCITED. I felt that even if my mind and body weren't strong enough for the jump, my heart was. Daily I want, long to make that giant leap into a deeper, more TREMENDOUS passion for Christ."

Hey, cool. you know what?? I have grown deeper and closer since then...neato.


Marc said...

That's a cool analogy with the whole jumping from a mountain. Although I don't suggest that you actually jump from a mountain. Ha ha. O ya and I just read that quote from one of the Jesus videos. I walked on water I think I can walk to the door. I don't think I have ever seen it before. However I think my favorite is "That sucker doesn't even know I kept his coin" Ah those are funny!!

lindsey said...

Yeah, but you can't even fly...sorry I just had to put that out there. I really almost considered titling the post that for you :). Ah yes, Jesus videos, basically AMAZING!!

Marc said...

hey I will be able to fly just give me a few years to prove it to you. You think it Is all a joke but its not I mean by the time I am 250 I should be able to just wait and see.... LOL