Monday, April 14, 2008

On lately

Hello dear ones, I'm sure you missed me. Well, maybe not since no one commented on my last post, that's perfectly okay though. I decided not to let my blog fizzle out, so I'm updating today. Let's see what's been going on in my life...

Hmmm... the Wednesday before Spring Break I gave my testimony for our church worship night with the youth. Being able to do that was an incredible blessing. The night focused in on how we are, always have been, and always will be God's beloved (the joy I get from knowing that, OH MY GOODNESS!!). Anyway, the whole thing was really cool, I think the best part was when I shared my Princess story that I posted a long time ago, people got it and that made me really excited.

Spring is here, (mostly) and I am overjoyed!!! The Lindsey Memorial Garden is in bloom, with little pink flowers on my weeping cherry tree and buds on the tulip plants. It is soooooo beautiful and it's making me so excited!!! I love love love spring, everything is green and new and there's a lot of other cliche statements that I could make about it, but just so you know, I love it.

A really major change is going to be happening in my life soon, that is Hannah and Jonathan (my pretend parents) are leaving in two weeks for their year long mission experience. I am going to miss the two of them SO MUCH. So, yes I've been pretty much an idiot to get so close to them, ha ha, but now I just adore them and will be so so so so so sad when they leave. Life will go on however ,I am building up a reservoir of good memories to have once they're gone.

I'm also very excited about the Florida trip this summer. No not really excited, more ecstatic!! I can't wait. It's going to be so nice to just get away from everything to focus on what God wants for my youth group, and to focus on loving others and growing with them. I am also curious to see how God will work in my life while we're there and in the lives of everyone else. I'm still growing growing growing everyday and it is awesome!! This week I am studying in Philippians and am curious to see where I'm led with that. No one's really missed much, my days are still filled with joy and peace and best of all love because "all you need is love" (The Beatles).

So, I wish you all amazing days, weeks, and months. And remember, "you're never fully dressed without a smile." Hmmm, I guess that means some of you are naked... AWKWARD!!!


Anonymous said...

lindsey!!!!!!!! I'm sorry I havnt been reading. I'm assuming that that whole " nobody commented on my last post" was intended for me. Hey I just wanted to say I am glad you are doing great and that I love you and Jesus does too!

Anonymous said...

by the way I didn't say it on my last comment cause I didn't know it would work but I read and commented from my iPod!! Crazy right.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sungirl,
I remember that night. You made tears come to my eyes. I just wanted to thank you for everything you have helped me through. Even if you didn't say anything you still helped to show me that I do have a Papa who is always there for me. I love you, Princess Lindsey.
Dances in love