Thursday, December 13, 2007

On "way to be depressing"

I apologize in advance for the state of this post. I'm pretty blue.
Do you ever have those times when you wonder how in the heck the world is still spinning on its axis? Because your thoughts are so preoccupied with one or two particular things, there's no possible way for life to continue as normal for anyone. I'm kind of feeling that way right now. If you've never had a slightly surreal experience then perhaps you're blessed. Sorry that you don't know what I'm taking about.
I felt like this two years ago after the tornado. since it was in my backyard, I was really affected by it. When I went back to school for the first time a couple days later, I was shocked and upset that not everyone was as shaken by the event as I was. Life went on. And right now, my life continues to go on, as you can probably tell, if not I bet I'd have trouble typing this! Anyway, I still had to make up that math quiz and my mom is still gonna make me take out the garbage or whatever, but the weird feeling won't go away.
There's not one factor, I don't think. This state of sadness has been coming on for awhile actually, I just was too caught up in being happy, happy, happy for so long that I didn't realize. Well, like they say, what would be special about happiness if you had it all the time. I'm still very much joyful (I really enjoyed that horrendous use of grammar) and I can still find ways to put a smile on my face during the day... even if it is a little bit harder than normal.
I guess it's like in Ezekiel, when it he explains about the useless vine. If the vine is not bearing fruit when it is perfect and whole, how much less will it be useful when it's burning and charred?
I kind of relate that to my life, even if that's not what it really means. My interpretation: if I can't be moving and working and doing good for the Kingdom when life is good and I'm feeling great, how lazy and useless am I going to be when life sucks and I feel like crap? I try to be useful all the time.
So anyway, sorry for straying from my typical "happy go lucky" yammering, but I needed to write and I just wasn't feeling the whole amusing thing. It may very well be the weather.
If you've made it to this point (I totally stole that from Megan Miller's really long e-mail) thanks for reading. I don't need sympathy cards or anything, my youthful enthusiasm hasn't really died, I think it just took a siesta for today.
Have a nice Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Are you feeling better?

lindsey said...

Eh. Somewhat thanks. And you? How's everything?

Anonymous said...

not to shabby. I just made your christmas presant. I think you will like it. I like it, well, lets just say I am impressed that I even did it.

lindsey said...

My Christmas present?
Oh dear, now I am worried. (ha ha)

I don't think I'm going to do Christmas presents this year besides for my family.
I had a pretty cool idea for my friends at church, but I've been super busy!!
Finals this week arg.