Friday, February 1, 2008

On being busy, busy, busy

Hello Friends!!
I haven't written in a long while, so I thought I'd update a little. Let's see... Isn't it weird how nothing and everything can be happening at the same time? While you're in the moment, it seems like everything is happening, that there's so much going on, but then when you look back and think about what went on during those times, you think, huh nothing much has happened. Oh well, everything is good over here. I really want a snow day where there is actual snow!! That would be soooooo grand. School was absolutely crazy this week, I felt so busy. I missed two days last week because of my lethal cold, so this week I had a ton of stuff to make up. I was a little worried that I wasn't going to get it all done and was really really grumpy, but in the end I came out on top. God's good that way. For example, today I got the dreaded Chemistry test back. You see, being absent I had missed most of the notes for the section we were working on in Chemistry, so I had to teach myself most of the material. Then, when I had to make up the test on Wednesday, it was completely awful. I thought that I had done very badly. But today I got my grade back and B+!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I know that's a pretty dumb thing to be excited about, seeing as how in ten years its not going to matter what grade I got in Chemistry. However, I try to do well in school, so grades have their importance in my life. I'm just glad this week is over and that I'm all caught up. I've also been making progress with a special project (not for school) on my own. It's all very secret, so I can't disclose too much, but it's hard to keep my trap shut about it because I'm so thrilled.
Oh, by the way I've decided I'm going to start a New Year's resolution. I know that it's February and people don't really have New Year's resolutions in February, but I think this is important. It has come to my attention that I yammer on way too much. Just read my blog and you'll see what I'm talking about... ha ha wait... you are reading my blog ha ha. Anyway, I fing myself in many situations when I have to put my foot in my mouth. Now I thought, I either need to become more flexible or I need to quit letting my mouth get ahead of me. So, since I hate exercise, I'm going for the talking less and being careful option. I think that if I really work at it good will come of it. Ha ha "good will come of it," nobody talks like that anymore! I love saying stuff like that. Okay, so I guess I'm about done here. Have a fabulous week, day, evening, or whatever. Later.